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This fansite is strictly against any paparazzi or stalkerazzi pictures. We will not support any kind of bashing or privacy intrusion into Mary’s life and/or the one of people around her. We will also not post any gossip or rumors on private life matters.
Mrs. Harris
Character: Vivian Schulte
Directed by: Phyllis Nagy
Written by: Phyllis Nagy
Produced by: Chrisann Verges
Cast Members: Annette Bening, Ben Kingsley, Cloris Leachman
Released date: February 25, 2006
Genre: Drama
Based on the sensational 1980s media event, famed cardiologist Herman Tarnower meets a particularly brutal end at the hands of his jilted lover, Jean Harris.
Movie Quotes
♦ I know a lot of women who’d like to do to their husbands what Jean did to Hy. Fortunately, not a lot of women carry around pistols in their purses.
In Mary’s words…
Great costumes. And I got to work with Annette for the first time, even though we’d known each other for years. Annette Bening and I met when we were both nominated for Oscars the year of Dances With Wolves. For her it was The Grifters. And the reason we got to know each other at all is that when Whoopi Goldberg won… Okay, I’m going to go back for a little bit:
At the nominees’ luncheon, where everyone’s a winner… [Laughs.] before most of us became losers! But all the Best Supporting Actress nominees got together: Diane Ladd, Whoopi Goldberg, Annette, me, and Lorraine Bracco, who’s now onRizzoli & Isles. She plays Rizzoli’s mom. Anyway, we’re all standing there, and Diane Ladd says, “I think whatever b—- wins this thing ought to bring the other b—-es out to lunch.” [For the record, we did not edit Ms. McDonnell. She actuallysaid, “B-blank-blank-blank-blank.” —Ed.] And we kind of shook on it. Of course, Whoopi won, and the day after the Oscars, we all got these huge bouquets with an invitation to lunch. So we all went to lunch, and that’s how I got to know Annette. And it’s been wonderful to know her a little bit, and then years and years later, we finally got to work together.
So my experience on Mrs. Harris was that, but it was also getting used to… [Long pause.] Um, I’m not going to be able to complete that one. It’s bad. [Laughs.] So… never mind! I got halfway down that road and went, “Nope! Not going there!” [from “Mary McDonnell on Battlestar Galactica and going mute in front of Robert Redford” by Will Harris]
If you have photos or videos of Mary McDonnell you have taken personally or collected during the years and you wish to donate them to the site, read how to do and get in touch with us.
- Mary McDonnell Vault
- mary-mcdonnell.com
- Online since December 28, 2014
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- Merged with Mostly Mary (May 2018)
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For optimal viewing: This website is best viewed in a resolution of 1024 or higher and in Firefox, Opera and Chrome. Javascript, CSS and Tables.
This fansite is strictly against any paparazzi or stalkerazzi pictures. We will not support any kind of bashing or privacy intrusion into Mary’s life and/or the one of people around her. We will also not post any gossip or rumors on private life matters.