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Fargo adds Battlestar Galactica veteran to cast
James Hibberd
May 10, 2017
We may be a few episodes into Fargo season 3, but there’s a surprise addition to the cast that hasn’t yet been announced.
Battlestar Galactica veteran and Major Crimes star Mary McDonnell has booked a guest arc on the FX drama.
She plays “the so-called storage queen of The Great Lakes region, Ruby Goldfarb, who offers Emmit Stussy (Ewan McGregor) a way out of the mess he’s in.”
“We all love the show, but when you get the scripts and see the specificity of [showrunner Noah Hawley’s] work, he has this way of being simultaneously real and practical and mysterious at the same time,” McDonnell tells EW. “I feel so lucky. I’ve been in outer space [in Battlestar] and worked for the LAPD [in Major Crimes] and now been out in the prairie. And in each instance, you can’t believe how specific the world is. Everything in Fargo resonates with me in terms of the type of America this is — how the people speak, what their lifestyles are like, how they interact with dilemmas. It’s all regional and absolutely specific to that world.”
McDonnell first appears in the fifth episode, “The House of Special Purpose,” which airs May 17.
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