If you have photos or videos of Mary McDonnell you have taken personally or collected during the years and you wish to donate them to the site, read how to do and get in touch with us.
- Mary McDonnell Vault
- mary-mcdonnell.com
- Online since December 28, 2014
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This fansite is strictly against any paparazzi or stalkerazzi pictures. We will not support any kind of bashing or privacy intrusion into Mary’s life and/or the one of people around her. We will also not post any gossip or rumors on private life matters.
Feb 2018 |
It has been a while since I posted screencaptures and clips from a TV movie Mary starrred in and today I picked The Locket, in which she played Helen Staples, perhaps for a vicinity of mine towards nursing homes, but also because it is a great movie starring Chad Willett, Marguerite Moreau and the timeless Vanessa Redgrave.
Mary’s part was of a certain impact. She’s not the protagonist but brought a beautiful touch to the scenes, and a whiteness that touch my heart.
Enjoy the screencaptures and the clips!
A young man taking care of his dying mother is distraught and grief-stricken when she finally passes away. On the advice of his doctor, he takes a job in an upscale nursing home, and is assigned to take care of an elderly woman named Esther. At first Esther is a bitter, angry woman and pushes him away, but as she gradually warms to him, he discovers that he and Esther have much more in common than he imagined.
If you have photos or videos of Mary McDonnell you have taken personally or collected during the years and you wish to donate them to the site, read how to do and get in touch with us.
- Mary McDonnell Vault
- mary-mcdonnell.com
- Online since December 28, 2014
- Contact the owner via form
- Merged with Mostly Mary (May 2018)
- Read our Disclaimer & Privacy Policy
- Visitors
For optimal viewing: This website is best viewed in a resolution of 1024 or higher and in Firefox, Opera and Chrome. Javascript, CSS and Tables.
This fansite is strictly against any paparazzi or stalkerazzi pictures. We will not support any kind of bashing or privacy intrusion into Mary’s life and/or the one of people around her. We will also not post any gossip or rumors on private life matters.